Guild Committee Donation | Gift Us Tea & Cake


The Cape Guild of Weavers is run mostyly on the voluntary time of our members who form our committee. These generous ladies (& sometimes gents) gift hours of their time to organise events, workshops, exhibitions, write newsletters and more.

Meet our current standing committee and learn more about what they do for the guild.

Any small thanks you’d like to gift towards their work, would be greatly appreciated. We’re fueled on coffee and yarn.

496 in stock


Being a voluntary committee member is no small ask.

Funds from this donation product will go towards:

  • Coffee, tea and cake for our Guild Committee Meetings
  • Gifts for our monthly speakers who also often gift their time lectures & talks at our monthly members get get-together
  • And keeping our website looking spiffy (because that we do have to pay for!)


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Guild Shop Address

Rosebank Methodist Church
2 Chapel Rd,
Cape Town 7700
Get Directions

Guild Shop Hours

First Friday of the month from
12h00-15h00, by appointment
WhatsApp to confirm
 084 505 1449


Contact Us

For general inquiries

Become a Member

To join the guild, sign up here.